Monday, May 10, 2010

Mmmmmm Edibles!

Today's post will be about... CANDIES and other Ultra Sweet Things!

It's about different types of sweet-goodies and their varying effects (mostly on Rachel, awesomesauce if it applies to you too :D)

First up...

Totally turn-off for Rachey! Coz I'm too bored of em now! But perhaps it'll serve as a nice chew-toy when I'm gasping for awakey-ness in boring periods of time :P!


A GIRL'S BEST FRIEND (especially that time of the month ehehehe). Give to girlie to regulate moods, serve as remedy and protect yourself from a FLAMING.
Give to Rachel for half-baked-excellent results. Batteries not included.

Uh huh...

I used to be so fond of them, I couldn't get enough of them.
NOW. LOL. Uh. Let's skip to the next candy!
(lollipopstockpileinthefridge = bursting)


Sheer power! Nuff said!


The trend nowadays riiiight, their SO ADORABLE with cream and those dressings and stuff! BUT I've yet to eat one adorable, primped up muffin which actually tastes good.
You're welcome to let me sample any of YER muffins XD. (No poison please)

Last but not least...
Random things!
-Mostly Japanese Candy

Japanese Candies. Are. The. Best.

YAY Now go knock yourself out with coke, pepsi, sprite or something =).

*beep* Hyperactivity Mode initiated.

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