I went out with Daryl today because ERIN and JEN WEI were in different services =/. Man miss them lah! Soz after church Daryl and I went to One Utama to do some shoppin' :P. Two very broke people on shopping? YEAH RIGHT. Vrooooom we sped coz I was too 'ungry! *stomach growl*
And then I said "Hey I need to...GOTOTHEBANKTOBANKINMYCHEQUE GOTO*beep*TOBUYMOTHERSDAYGIFT (IDUNNOWHATTOBUYIDUNNOWHATTOBUY) IWANNAWATCHAMOVIEIRONMAN2, ORIPMAN2WAITIMWATCHINGTHATTONIGHT, OROROROROR... -AND- GOTOSOMEWHERETOEATEATEATEATEAT etc etc etc." and I don't know how Daryl managed to hear everything I was saying and probably he wasn't listening at all. But because he has telekinetic superhumanthing powers he managed to comprehend what I was saying!
Dar : One U got CIMB wan ah?
Me : Dunno.
Queued up at 9:54am for the movie tix but they werent open till 10:0SOMETHING gosh these lazy lazy lazy people! Then we bought Iron Man 2 *Rm22 out the windowwwwwww*
After that we went to find some food because Rachey was too famished, like a vulture in the desert. Right. So since we were trying, TRYING, to save money
We went to... JUSCO =D. And bought some tasty looking fried carcinogenic food. But it was tasty lol! Two Wieners, 200grams of potato wedges and a Black Pepper Chikin drumstick. That's breakfast and lunch for me! I'm so healthy =D!
*nom noms!*
We walked aimlessly looking for something to buy then I saw BONITA. I was like, lets go in there I saw nice stuff there but I won't buy wan lah. Then there was this discount, 10 Bucks for 4 pairs of really adorable earrings. Rm10 gone. Then I walked inside, 13 bucks for a vintage awesomeness bracelet. Rm13 gone. As I was paying...
Dar : Try it on la =)
Me : Won't hurt right?
Dar : Hey it looks good on you!
-5 bucks gone. Rachel became broke-er-er
And then we rushed for the movie and watched it and became happy humans and went shopping for the gift and wrapped up and sadly, went... back to... *chokes* the car... sobs.
Because we're humans =).
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